
Like many people, you probably need money. You wish to obtain a complementary income and thus round off your ends of month without difficulty? It is possible with your internet connection.

We select lucrative opportunities that we have been presenting since 2004 on BenefsNet. This page gathers the 10 profitable ideas that we think are the easiest, fastest and most serious in 2020 (and not scams as there are unfortunately on the web). Today, it's your turn to understand how to make money easily. You can start immediately, you will see that it's not that complicated: you just have to follow a few steps.

And if this selection isn't enough, don't forget to look at our summary page which lists more than 60 diverse and varied ideas. There really is something for everyone!

10 ways to make money easily on the internet

The 10 solutions we propose below have the advantage of being simple to implement and risk-free. They will certainly not make you rich quickly, but thanks to the web, you can enjoy them directly from home. There is no question of you losing money: these reliable tips are 100% free and no special skills are required.

This informative page being a bit long, you can get to the ideas that interest you most with these links :

  1. Answer paid surveys
  2. Reading paid e-mails
  3. Sell your useless objects on the internet
  4. Offer small online services
  5. Sell your documents on the net
  6. Be paid to buy (cashback)
  7. Carpooling
  8. Furniture storage
  9. Make your car or parking lot profitable
  10. To make figuration

1. Responding to paid surveys

Survey institutes and some companies need to collect consumers' opinions. They seek to study our consumption habits in order to improve their products and services. That's why your opinion can make you a lot of money.

How does it work?

Paid survey sites all work on the same principle: you must first register on the site, giving more or less detailed information about your consumption habits, which will then allow the site to target surveys to you. Once your registration has been validated, you will receive invitations to participate in surveys more or less frequently.

Each survey begins with a selection phase, which aims to keep only relevant participants (for example, for a survey on an election, participants may be filtered according to the political affinity they declare). The survey stops very quickly if the participant is not retained, and lasts on the contrary between 10 and 30 minutes if the participant is selected (the foreseeable time is usually specified at the beginning of the survey).

You receive a prize, usually in the form of points that can be exchanged for money or gifts, when you have completely completed a survey. Some sites also provide a reduced payoff for participants who are screened out during the selection phase.

How much can I earn with this method?

Each completed survey earns you an average of €2. It all depends on how long it takes to complete it. You earn up to about €5 per hour. This doesn't sound like a lot, but if the institutes are looking for your profile, the earnings can be higher.

If you are particularly interested in this idea and you take part in many consumer surveys, you can earn up to €100 per month. This is not difficult to achieve, but it can take a little time every week.

To earn even more money, you can also sponsor your relatives. Sponsorship can be very rewarding.

Our tips and tricks for paid surveys

The best way to make easy money with paid surveys is to respect these few rules:

read the questions carefully: some surveys include questions designed to test respondent vigilance (e.g., check "Very satisfied" to answer this question), and participants who answer these trick questions incorrectly are eliminated from the survey without compensation,

don't answer too quickly: some surveys take into account the response time, and rule out "click fools", whose response time is incompatible with the time it takes to read and understand the questions,

answer truthfully: it is much easier to answer this way. In addition, some surveys include cross-check questions to find insincere respondents!

We recommend the paid survey sites My Opinion Account, Swagbucks, or Myiyo. These websites are reliable, so you can try them out. Maybe your consumer profile is worth its weight in gold?

If you want to discover others, stay tuned. To make your choice, don't linger on sites that ask you to pay to take part in surveys. It is up to you to be paid, not the other way around.

The same goes for sites that advertise fabulous earnings... they are to be avoided, because there is probably a scam at the end!

2. Reading paid e-mails

With the net, it is quite possible to earn money by simply reading e-mails. Although they are often underestimated due to their low remuneration, paid e-mails are nevertheless an excellent way to make the most of your free time. If you do it right!

How does it work?

Paid-for e-mail, also known as PTR (Paid To Read), is based on the principle that you are paid to read e-mails. So it's very easy!

To do so, you must first register on a platform that offers this kind of services (for example Moolineo or Maximiles). When you register, you must mention the e-mail address to which you wish to receive the paid e-mails. When this is done, you will periodically receive e-mails that you will have to read in order to be credited.

Some e-mails require more than a simple reading. In fact, you can read e-mails asking you to register on a site, order a product, etc. before being paid. But the remuneration is greater in these cases!

How much does this technique pay?

n general, the fee for a simple reading of an e-mail varies between 0.01 and 0.04€ and that of e-mails requiring registration or any other action varies between 0.10 and 0.30€.

You will have understood that everything is a question of volume of received e-mails (and the number of openings of these by your care obviously). The more the remunerative site is active, the more money you earn. For example, Moolineo is known to send a lot of e-mails. Your income will therefore be able to accumulate quickly with this site.

Our advices

First of all, create an e-mail address dedicated exclusively to this activity so as not to "flood" your main e-mail address.

There is no real way to know if you have read an e-mail correctly or not. All you have to do is open the e-mail, move down with the mouse and you get paid (it takes about 3 seconds).

Take the time to read the header of the mail before clicking, because this will inform you about the type of mail (simple reading, registration or purchase of products).

To save your time, you can also organize your mailbox and create filters that automatically classify the paid mails in one or more folders provided for this purpose.

Finally, it's a good idea to find referrals, because most sites have a referral system that pays rather well.

3. Sell your useless items on the internet

Over the course of one's life, one accumulates all kinds of objects or clothing, most of which remain at the bottom of a piece of furniture or a cupboard. Changes in fashion or weariness often take their toll on these past purchases. Thanks to the internet and online shopping sites, you can give a second life to these objects and take advantage of it to make some money.

Among the personal effects that you can resell are, for example, second-hand books that are no longer of use to you. Also think about reselling your unused gifts, even if this concept displeases some people who find the practice a bit immoral. A gift you've been given may be useless to you, but useful to someone else. In addition, the product can be sold new and still be wrapped. On the other hand, if it is about objects that quickly lose the interest of the consumers, and therefore the commercial value, it is better to sell them as soon as possible.

The best sites to sell your second hand objects

Once your objects are well prepared, you will find yourself in front of a multitude of online sales sites. In order to help you see more clearly, here are a few must-haves on the web.

Classified ad sites

The easiest way to put an item up for sale is to place a classified ad. The reference site in this matter is Le Bon Coin, with an exceptional visibility. All categories are represented. Placing an ad is free, as is the deed of sale, which does not include any commission. Vivastreet or Paru Vendu work in the same way, but are less successful.

The auction sites

Another way of proceeding may be the principle of auctions. On Ebay, the best known web portal in this field, you set a starting price and possibly a reserve price, which is the floor price below which you do not agree to sell. Potential buyers will have a certain time limit to place their bids. In this system, a commission is taken from the sale and the insertion of an ad can be paid for.

How much do you earn by this means?

It all depends on what items you put up for sale. For highly sought-after products, auctions can take off and bring you a lot of money. The lucky owners of old and rare objects have the chance to win large sums of money by reselling them on the internet. Who knows, maybe treasures are hiding in your attic?

How can you sell your useless objects on the internet?

Before thinking about selling unwanted objects, it is necessary to respect a preparation phase. The goal is not to put anything and everything for sale, because your reputation as a seller depends on it. A good reputation is essential to sell more and earn more.

The object or garment must be in good condition, without excessive wear and tear. A garment, for example, must be sold clean, i.e. washed, ironed and folded properly.

In addition, it is necessary to showcase the object. The quality and number of photos are important criteria. It is best to choose a clear medium and adjust the brightness. Finally, do not hesitate to describe the object, its particular characteristics and do not forget to mention possible defects. The object is certainly second-hand, but this does not prevent the greatest transparency, towards the buyer.

4. Offering small online services

For additional earnings, you can go to "odd jobs" sites such as These are fast online service sites that directly connect providers and customers. It's a good idea to make some money on a regular basis, sometimes combining several services at the same time.

Anyone can offer online services for a fee. With YoupiJob for example, it is small services to the individual that neighbors go from time to time: house-sitting, lawn mowing, babysitting, shopping, etc.. The kind of services that anyone can now sell all over the world thanks to the internet. The concept also touches on everything that can be transmitted via the web.

How does it work?

Thanks to jobbing sites like, only imagination is a limit to the services sold on the internet.

This can start from the translation, writing or correction of different texts. Some people also offer photo retouching or visual designs on PowerPoint. Music composition services, love poems, wedding vows are also very frequent. But it can also involve remote troubleshooting, assistance, creation of games or websites, or even the interpretation of dreams!

The most studious can also offer to help others with their homework, the smartest to find cheap flights, and the wisest to provide practical advice on a daily basis.

To launch an online service offer on a jobbing site, you just have to present in a few lines the service you offer. The addition of images or video in addition to a complete description of the service can be a real asset.

What is the remuneration?

There are no defined rules. Obviously, you will be paid 5 euros for each service on But it can be much more depending on the difficulty of the service provided on other portals like YoupiJob.

5. Sell your documents on the net

There are sites on the web that will allow you to round off your ends of the month by making your documents available (writing ebooks is similar to this solution). Most of the texts come from high school students, students or teachers, but nothing prevents you from benefiting from them with texts on subjects you are passionate about.

Your documents are the result of your work and they are of interest to many people who are looking for help in a specific field.

To meet the demand, various sharing platforms put your documents at the service of Internet users for a set purchase price.

Your work has value: sell it!

Whether it's courses, methodology manuals, presentations, dissertations or research reports, all of your documents are likely to interest other Internet users, as part of their studies, to learn or improve in a particular field.

Register on a sales and sharing platform such as :

  • Needocs
  • Docs.School
  • Academémon

You will be able to share your expertise with thousands of users while ensuring a passive income.

This way, everyone is a winner!

And don't forget that the more popular you are, the more you will sell your work and the more money you will make.

Golden rules for selling your work and making money

To sell your documents successfully and become a valued salesperson, there are a few rules to follow:

You are required to strictly respect intellectual property and must never plagiarize a book or a site or make a copy-paste of several pages of the web. In short, the work you sell must be personal and unique.

Your documents must be impeccable in terms of typography, syntax and spelling, and obviously not contain any errors in either form or content. Don't forget that your documents will serve as a model and support for Internet users who will pay to use them, so they must be of high quality and bring added value to their buyers.

Work well on your title and your presentation: these indications will convince potential customers to buy your documents. Also be inventive, eye-catching and make people want to read your documents.

6. Get paid to buy (cashback)

For anyone who wants to make extra money, the Internet can be a godsend. Among the multitude of schemes, cashback has become a great way to put a little butter in the spinach. Yes, but what exactly is it? And how does it work? You'll see, it's very simple and advantageous.

A return on investment

Cashback is simply a retro commission on your purchases. The technique dates back to the 1970s. It allowed certain holders of special bank cards to obtain a commission on their purchases at the end of the year. Since the 90s, cashback has invaded the Internet, and you can now enjoy it on many sites.

Let's make this hypothesis: you want to buy a plane ticket. On the "payment" page, thanks to a code for example, you will either get a discount on the total or a cashback (10% of the total will be paid back to you a few days later). This becomes very interesting if you push this technique on all your online purchases. Imagine the amount of money that can be paid back to you: it will make a nice jackpot at the end of the year (enough to make nice Christmas gifts).

How do we do it?

Carried by the major e-commerce brands, cashback has made a real breakthrough in recent years. Today, there are about thirty specialized sites, partners of large commercial groups. Among the best known are Loonea and Fabuleos, for example.

Once registered, you will discover the interface of the site and your starting balance is obviously zero. The role of these sites is to invite you to discover products via ads. Thus, for any purchase made at a supplier of household appliances, a tour operator, a furniture store, etc. via these ads, you will receive your cashback. Your balance will increase until you reach the minimum withdrawal limit.

A piece of advice: register on two or three sites and don't hesitate to do your research. Indeed, the amount of cashback can vary enormously from one site to another, and this for the same purchase. Note that you may need a PayPal account to transfer the balance to your bank account.

7. Carpooling

With the Net making our lives so much easier, carpooling has become popular with a wide audience. This transportation solution has a twofold interest: it is a source of significant savings, but also of small profits.

For several years now, many people have been testing and approving the concept. Indeed, many people appreciate the benefits that can be derived from it. Sharing the cost of gas and tolls is already very welcome. Then there is the social dimension: you get to know each other and talk with other users during the journey. This experience is generally friendly and enriching.

How much money can you earn with this process?

In terms of financial gains, don't expect large sums of money. They are mainly used to cover the expenses necessary to make the trip. But it is a good way to keep your money and use it differently. So it's like making money, isn't it? The amounts you collect are often proportional to the distance of the trip, but it's up to you to set a higher price than the one recommended by the website or carpool application.

Depending on your destination, it's relatively simple to find a travel companion. Most of the time, people position themselves quickly to take advantage of it. So, if you travel often or occasionally, and mainly alone, don't hesitate to dig into this idea (you have everything to gain). Moreover, it's a gesture for the planet: the fewer cars on the road, the better for the environment!

To learn more, we invite you to read our article on carpooling. In it, we explain how it works and suggest some websites that you can't miss on this market.

8. Keeping furniture

Have you ever heard of costuming and its principle useful for some, profitable for others? If you have a free space such as a garage, cellar or attic, it's a trick that can help you make money quickly.

All you have to do is keep furniture for other members of a web platform. You then get a monthly income that can easily reach several hundred euros depending on the location of the rented storage space.

Are you tempted by this nice opportunity? Find our explanations on costocking. All the details to get started can be found there.

9. Make your car or parking profitable

We've already told you about carpooling, which is a reliable idea if you travel regularly. But it is not the only interesting method to make your car profitable. Between mandatory insurance and maintenance, owning a car is expensive. Some people even talk about it as a real "money pit". Don't let this get you down, because there are 6 solutions to make it profitable.

There is, for example, nothing simpler than to put advertising on your car in exchange for a remuneration that can amount to up to 500 euros per month.

Owners of unused parking lots earn money by renting them out to people who need them. And if you are a tenant, you should know that it is still possible to sublet your parking spaces when you go on vacation and during other periods when they are not being used.

10. Making figuration

This list of ideas to get money quickly and easily should make the figuration appear. This practice is for everyone and does not require any diploma. Movies, series and music videos usually require extras with a variety of physiques in the background. To become an extra, all you have to do is to offer your services by registering on websites that put you in touch with the film crews. If your profile corresponds to the search, you are selected.

Being an extra is a serious lucrative technique (70 to 200 euros per day), but above all an unforgettable experience.


Now you know how to earn money online. All you have to do is spend some time testing the different ways to earn money. There are certainly a few that really suit you.

This list of different ways to make easy money in 2020 is bound to evolve as we learn more and more. In fact, we regularly publish new tips on our BenefsNet guide, so keep checking back for more.

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