

Earn money with YouTube

In recent years, with the development of the Internet and new technologies, many new professions have appeared. Among them is that of Youtubeur, a profession that seems to earn significant income. If you like videos and think you have things to say to Internet users, you may have imagined creating a YouTube channel and trying your luck on this platform.

We'll give you lots of tips on how to create your own channel and you'll know how to make the most money from your little movies. Here's a summary :

How to create a profitable YouTube channel?

  • Imagining original content
  • Handle professional equipment... and learn how to use it.
  • Edit an attractive video
  • Earn money with a video
  • How much is the remuneration on YouTube?
  • Add only royalty-free music
  • Know your audience to benefit from better remuneration
  • Increase its number of views and stimulate commitments
  • Choosing the right format
  • Understand and optimize the referencing of your videos
  • Advertising and product placement: how does it work?
  • Mastering the YouTube video business model
  • Vary your sources of remuneration with product placement
  • Testing participatory financing to make it easier to get started

How to create a profitable YouTube channel?

Imagining original content

Hoping that YouTube will become a real source of income? If so, be prepared to spend a lot of time fine-tuning your content. Indeed, given the incredible amount of online video on the platform, you'll have to be even more imaginative to get the community interested. Find original ideas, have enough creativity to write interesting scripts, in order to interpret them in the best possible way at the time of shooting.

When you watch videos from Youtubeurs, you may have the impression that they speak spontaneously, without even thinking. This is not the case! These stagings were in fact meticulously premeditated.

Before you put your camera down and start talking, you should logically have determined the theme of the video. And in order to make your speech as powerful as possible, you should even write the whole script beforehand. Subjects to discuss, important expressions and keywords to integrate, duration, addition of shots, scenery, every detail deserves careful thought, you should not leave anything to chance.

Handle professional equipment... and learn how to use it.

Material for YouTube videosWith the development of cameras for the general public and even smartphones with increasingly sharp devices, anyone can become a video artist... However, in order to establish yourself as a true professional in a particularly competitive world, you can't be satisfied with amateur material.

To have a nice visual, the camera used deserves to be a model at least from the middle of the range, with if possible a tripod or a stabilizer to avoid shaking. In order to obtain an even more aesthetic result, an artificial light can be useful, as well as an independent microphone for a better sound quality.

Editing an attractive video

After having prepared and recorded the video, you will also need to take the time to edit it, knowing that this work is quite time-consuming. Concretely, if you create a 5-minute video, it will not take much time to watch it... But you will have to spend several hours designing it!

Moreover, in order to succeed in the final editing, you will need professional software, or at least a program that is sufficiently developed so that this task is not too complex. With a good application, some steps are automated without compromising the result: this allows you to work quickly and well.

Over time, with practice, editing can become something almost automatic and less time-consuming. Nevertheless, in order for the work to always be successful, rigor remains essential. To help you start and then progress, Club Créa YouTube provides you with useful information and support programs.

Earn money with a video

Not all videos posted on YouTube are compatible with additional revenue generation. In order to expect any kind of remuneration, no matter how small, it is essential to monetize the video. To do so, of course, you need to have your own account and personal channel on YouTube. In parallel, it is necessary to be able to use an Adsense account.

How much is the remuneration on YouTube?

Money to earnYoutubers are generally discreet when it comes to talking about their income. But by creating a successful channel, it seems possible to earn about 1 € per 1000 views. So you need to generate 1 million views to get 1000 €. This amount may seem small, but the number of members/visitors on the platform is such that it is possible to become rich. Norman, Cyprien and many other Youtubeers are good examples.

This is simply an estimate, as several characteristics enter into the calculation of the final remuneration: viewing time, theme covered, etc.

Let's now move on to the conditions to be respected and the solutions to monetize your videos.

Add only royalty-free music

What is most often problematic is the copyright rule. Concretely, for a video content to make you money, whether it's a few euros or several thousand, you absolutely need to be in possession of all the rights. For example, you can't use music because you like it, even if it's only background music.

So, if you want to add some music to your content, you will have to compose it yourself (this is possible with different software specially designed for this purpose). Otherwise, you can also choose among many possibilities, by going to sites providing royalty-free sounds.

Know your audience to get a better remuneration

Once you have created your YouTube channel and launched it, you have the possibility to view your statistics and more specifically the "Demographics" section. This is a great way for you to get to know your audience. And once you have a clear understanding of who's watching your videos, you'll have all the tools you need to tailor your content to your community.

Several parameters are worth analyzing: gender (is your audience predominantly male or female, or is it mixed?), age (are you followed by young people, people of all ages, adults or even seniors?), and even location.

In order to have a more precise idea of the behavior of users according to their profile, you can combine this information with other criteria such as the average time spent watching videos. You will then know which people are most likely to stay in front of your content.

Brands likely to contact you for paid partnerships will want to know how your audience is composed, to be sure to bet on a Youtubeur whose target matches theirs. Thus, the more precise and consistent your audience will be with the desires of advertisers (those who will pay you to add advertising on your content), the better your remuneration will be.

Increase your number of views and stimulate engagement

On YouTube, if you see your frame counter panicking, this is obviously a good sign. However, please note that the number of views is not everything. In order to attract the attention of advertisers, your videos must be watched for as long as possible. For example, if you post mini-movies that are about 20 minutes long, but your viewers only stay for a minute or two on that medium, you will not be effective.

Choosing the right format

Ideally, start with short videos, about 5 minutes long, to keep the visitors' attention from beginning to end. You also need to get feedback from your community: "thumbs up", showing that they liked the video, and comments. The more your video is shared on social networks, the better the chances of making money with it.

Understand and optimize the referencing of your videos

Unlike making a blog, creating a YouTube channel is possible even if you are not a spelling whiz. Be careful, this doesn't mean you shouldn't pay attention to the way you write, on the contrary.

Because under each video you will have to prepare a description that will help you to be valued by search engines. So take the time to look at how the professionals do it, in order to be inspired by their methodology. Ideally, you should insert keywords in this description, but also optimize its form so that it is understandable and even pleasant to read. For example, some add emojis to structure the text: use them correctly to take advantage of them.

This description, sometimes also called "info bar", is a kind of mini article that allows you to refine your communication. Don't underestimate it, because if you manage to confirm yourself as a Youtubeur, you will also use it to add affiliate links that can earn you money...

To make your presence on this platform as profitable as possible, each of your videos must have a meaning. Create your own style, try to stand out from the many other "Youtubeurs" on the web, and always make sure to design interesting content that really brings something to the user (whether it's advice, humor, or information about a particular world), without forgetting the SEO issues.

Advertising and product placement: how does it work?

Mastering the business model of YouTube videos

If you want to make money with YouTube, you naturally have to go through the advertising stage. These must be activated before each video. It is impossible to tell you how much you will earn for 1,000 or 2,000 views, because the amount of money you get does not depend only on the number of views, but rather on the power of the creator on YouTube. So if you are considered a very influential person, for the same number of views, you will earn more money than someone new to the community.

Some ads are only paid if the user has spent a minimum amount of time on the video. Once again, it is therefore necessary to make sure that each visitor is motivated to watch the entire video, because leaving too early is negative for you.

Vary your sources of remuneration with product placement

In addition to the announcements that are triggered at the beginning of the video or even during viewing, you can also start product placement. To do this, you already need to have a certain level of brand awareness, as brands are only interested in personalities that have a good community behind them.

Also note that fans don't always appreciate this initiative: when you do this kind of work, be transparent and announce from the start that you will be paid. Of course, you have to alternate between videos with and without product placement: if you create every video content for a brand, your community will quickly turn to other Youtubers - and you risk losing credibility with brands.

Test participatory financing to get started more easily

Between the purchase of a camera, the need for a relatively powerful computer, the expenses for accessories to film or to set up a set, becoming a professional Youtubeur is expensive before it even starts to make money.

In order to give you the best chance of success on YouTube, you can simply make a small "teaser" (a video to announce your project) or even create an Instagram account to introduce yourself, talk about your project and federate a community around you.

Once you've won a few followers without starting your YouTube channel, you can create an online jackpot to explain that you need money to get started. Be as transparent as possible: your subscribers will only help you if they know what you plan to do next. Many Youtubeers have started with this kind of community "kick-start". It's not always easy to get it because it still requires communication, but it can really help you get off to a good start.

Earning money on YouTube is therefore a real job. Many people dedicate their lives to it, because it usually takes a very careful organization to run such a business. If you dream of monetizing your presence on the platform, you already have the information to get started. In the beginning, you probably won't earn enough money to live on, but you will have the opportunity to earn additional income (which is always nice). And if you manage to climb the ladder, you may become an "influential person" who can earn several hundred or thousand euros a month from your videos.

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