
Earn Adsense income from your Blogs

Did you know you can use Google AdSense on your blog? Don’t have a blog? Running, starting, and maintaining a blog is cheap, and in some cases free! So why haven’t you put Google AdSense on your blog yet? Oh, you don’t know how! Here’s why and how!

First if you are considering adding ads onto your blog, you should learn more about the specific rules Google has in regard to blogs, though it is very similar to the rules they have for sites.

Blog content is what Google likes

Using blogs for Google adsense plain makes sense! The content is original, and is considered high quality from Google’s concept, even though you and I know some of the Blogs on the net are plain idiotic! So qualifying a blog is often easier than a site!

Due to the nature of blogs, there is usually a lot of varying content, meaning on a Blog you can have thirteen different subjects, whereas on your site you are supposed to have only one or two. This makes getting very diverse and specific ads on your Blog, far easier than on your site!

A blog that invites feedback or interactivity with a user may attract a lot of clicks, because it attracts a lot of visitor’s. Your blog has the ability to attract a specific set of people who will be interested in your material. Thus your adsense ads will be even more specific!

You can also add a blog to your commercial site. Really! You can talk about your products or specific information that your customer’s might be interested in. You can talk about your company, or even get a little personal! Besides having the added benefit of getting you some adsense clicks, it might actually make people like you! Studies have shown that people will buy more from a person they find personable or that they know a little bit about. Tell them about you!

You can start a blog for free, like those on Yahoo! Or you can get software to start a blog on your site. The latter is best, because you will have the most control. Again you can visit Yahoo! web hosting and use the tool for free.

When you decide to get ads on your blog, remember there are a few ways to increase your click through rates, which are really about the same as on your site.

Optimize your AdSense ads

Make your ads as much a part of your website as possible. Use the same font, font-color and background for your Google Ads.

DON’T use boxes, tables, or anything else that yells; Here are the ads for my site. Don’t hide the ads!Design your ads to closely resemble links for your site, or make them blend as part of your site. Use your preview toolbar when creating your ads, which will give you a clear indication of how your ads will look.

Remember, a good ad is one that does not distract, that blends in, but still arouses the interest of your visitors.

How long does it take to get a blog indexed with Google? Well unlike websites, blogs can be all-set with Google, in as little as three days or less in some cases!

Once you feel you are comfortable with Google adsense, you can then take the steps to get your blog to making you a little money! Go over all the rules for using the Adsense program, and remember, just because you are a blogger in this case, that doesn’t mean Google won’t remove your ads quicker than a dog can scratch a tick, if you are using profane, abusive, slanderous, or otherwise universally unaccepted public topics!

That in mind, the rest is easy. Google will explain the whole process, on the same site that I have already listed at the beginning of this article.

Use your blog to your advantage. Getting approved for ads on a blog is easier than a website, and if proper steps are taken to design your ad well, and provide interesting content, you can make some money with Google Adsense on your blog!

How To Optimize Your Blog For Search Engines

Many clients ask me how to drive more traffic to their blogs. By now you have probably heard that blogs are an excellent resource to get leads as well as clients for your business. The best way to do that is by creating search engine friendly blog posts that get indexed in search engines. When people search for information on topics you discuss in your blog it appears on the search engine result pages. Potential customers then are able to read what you have to say and get on your mailing list.

So now it all boils down to techniques that help you effectively optimize your blog for search engines. Here are tips and ideas to do just that:

- Create A Keyword Rich Header For Your Blog. The header repeats on all pages on the blog. By making sure that your header contains targeted keywords, you are able to get more of your blog pages indexed in search engines.

- Treat Each Blog Post As A Separate, Optimizable Page. Use the process of search engine optimization on each blog post. This means that you need to create an optimized title for each post, find targeted keywords for each post and weave the keywords into your post’s text.

- Make Sure That Each Blog Post’s File Name Are Descriptive. Different blogging software behaves differently, but some will call your blog posts 2.html, 3.html, 4.html, etc. As you can see, that is not very descriptive and not particularly helpful to either people or search engines. When you create a post called "How Coaching Helps Business Owners", calling it "how-coaching-helps-business-owners.html" is a much better title than "5.html"

Make sure that you're blogging software creates descriptive file names for your blog posts; it is better both for human readers and search engine spiders. 

- Get Links Pointing To Your Blog.  Quality links to your blog means more blog visitors and higher search engine rankings. Current search engine algorithms value links to your blog, which means that having links pointing to your blog will improve your blog’s search engine rankings. 

- Get Your Blog Listed in Blog Directories. Blog directories are a great source of getting unidirectional links to your blog. Since blog directory links many times are unidirectional (they link to you, but you don’t link back to them), they are great for boosting your search engine rankings. Having many unidirectional links pointing to your web site will improve your search engine rankings.

A blog is an excellent marketing tool, but your blog will not attract more leads and clients for your business if you don’t use search engine optimization techniques to optimize your blog and attract targeted search engine traffic to it.

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